SAVE THE DATE: I Seminari di Mogliano Veneto - VII Edizione - Mogliano Veneto, 26 e 27 Settembre 2024

Advisory Board

We create multidisciplinary tables focused on a drug, a specific indication or a therapeutic area, to help you respond to the different information needs of your company throughout the product development process.

3-5 years earlier

Early products

We create places for study and discussion between top scientists, clinical and regulatory experts, economists, and institutional representatives, in which to address the most current and relevant issues of the "health system" and pharmaceutical governance, leveraging multidisciplinarity.

1-2 years earlier

Market Access

Momenti di approfondimento di tutte le dimensioni rilevanti per un farmaco che si avvicina alla negoziazione e al mercato, attraverso la declinazione in:

  • clinical tables
  • tavoli di place in therapy
  • Price & Refund tables
  • 2-3 months before

    Mock negotiation

    Verification of scenarios and negotiation hypotheses through simulation of negotiation with the Regulatory Agency

    After drop

    Regional Access

    Insights on opportunities/access barriers or regional specificities, following the definition of the negotiating agreement